
Site alert

A site alert communicates urgent sitewide information.

About the site alert component

When your agency has urgent information to share with the public, it’s essential that it stands out from other content on the site. A site alert prominently displays critical, time-sensitive warnings or directions across every page so that users see it whenever they visit the site. Using the same site alert treatment across agencies helps create a consistent and predictable way for users to find urgent information across all government websites.

Standard informational site alert

Short alert message

Additional context and followup information including a link.

Standard emergency site alert

Emergency alert message

Additional context and followup information including a link.

Site alert with no header

Short alert message. Additional context and followup information including a link.

Site alert with list

Emergency alert message

  • The primary emergency message and a link for supporting context.
  • Another message, and another link.
  • A final emergency message.

Slim site alert

Short alert message. Additional context and followup information including a link.

Site alert with no icon

Short alert message. Additional context and followup information including a link.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Standard informational site alert</h3>

<section class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--info" aria-label="Site alert,">
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <h4 class="usa-alert__heading">Short alert message</h4>
      <p class="usa-alert__text">
        Additional context and followup information including
        <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a>.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Standard emergency site alert</h3>

  class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--emergency"
  aria-label="Site alert,,"
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <h4 class="usa-alert__heading">Emergency alert message</h4>
      <p class="usa-alert__text">
        Additional context and followup information including
        <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a>.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Site alert with no header</h3>

  class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--emergency usa-site-alert--no-heading"
  aria-label="Site alert,,,,"
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <p class="usa-alert__text">
        <strong>Short alert message.</strong> Additional context and followup
        information including
        <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a>.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Site alert with list </h3>

  class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--emergency"
  aria-label="Site alert,,,"
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <h4 class="usa-alert__heading">Emergency alert message</h4>
      <ul class="usa-list">
          The primary emergency message and
          <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a> for
          supporting context.
          Another message,
          <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">and another link</a>.
        <li>A final emergency message.</li>
<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Slim site alert</h3>

  class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--emergency usa-site-alert--slim"
  aria-label="Site alert,,,,,,"
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <p class="usa-alert__text">
        <strong>Short alert message.</strong> Additional context and followup
        information including
        <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a>.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Site alert with no icon</h3>

  class="usa-site-alert usa-site-alert--emergency usa-site-alert--no-icon"
  aria-label="Site alert,,,,,"
  <div class="usa-alert">
    <div class="usa-alert__body">
      <p class="usa-alert__text">
        <strong>Short alert message.</strong> Additional context and followup
        information including
        <a class="usa-link" href="javascript:void(0);">a link</a>.


When to use the site alert component

  • Critical system notifications. Use a site alert to deliver a static system status update, such as notices about unavailable services or content. Site alerts should appear by default and not in response to an action.
  • Messages that should be displayed on every page. A site alert makes critical information obvious and findable on every page.

When to consider something else

  • Responding to user actions. Use the alert component for page-level validation messages (like error messages on a form) or to inform a user that a task was completed successfully.
  • Validating form input. On most forms, especially longer forms, validation messages should appear inline with error messages at the top of the form.

Usability guidance

  • Place prominently. Use a full-width site alert positioned near the top of the page so it’s one of the first things users see.
  • Avoid stacking multiple site alerts. If you need to convey more than one message, provide a list of links within a single site alert instead of multiple, stacked alerts.
  • Avoid overwhelming use of color. It may be tempting to make heavy use of bright red or orange to draw attention to an emergency-related site alert. However, these colors can produce strong negative emotional reactions such as fear or panic. Positioning the banner at the top of the screen provides enough weight that such strong colors may not be necessary.

Accessibility guidance

  • Don’t visually hide alert messages and then make them visible when they are needed. Users of older assistive technologies may still be able to perceive hidden alert messages. Fully remove alert messages when they’re not needed.
  • Include a descriptive ARIA label. Add an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute to the .usa-site-alert element to ensure that your site alert appears in the landmarks menu. A well-written label can help assistive technology users easily find and understand the top-level information of your site alert.
  • Add an ARIA role to dynamically-updated site alerts. For important, time-sensitive site alerts that will receive new content mid-session, for example if your site pushes out an updated emergency alert, add an ARIA role attribute that will notify users of changes. To do this, choose the appropriate role from the ARIA roles table and add it to the .usa-site-alert element.

Site alert ARIA roles

Attribute Use Case
role="alert" Important messages that demand the user's immediate attention. Use this role sparingly because it interrupts the user's workflow.
role="status" Messages that provide advisory information but do not have the same urgency as alerts.

Reference: WAI-ARIA

Using the site alert component

Site alert settings

Variable Description

Maximum width of the site alert content.

Site alert variants

Variant Description


Displays an information site alert.


Displays an emergency site alert.


Display a slimmer version of the site alert.


Display an site alert without an icon.


  • Package usage: @forward "usa-site-alert";
  • Dependencies: usa-alert

Latest updates

Meaningful code and guidance updates are listed in the following table:

Date USWDS version Affects Breaking Description
2024-10-04 3.9.0
  • Styles

Breaking Fixed a bug that caused $theme-site-margins-width to unexpectedly adjust the alignment inside the alert and site alert components. Alignment on the alert and site alert components will likely shift from this change. Confirm that your implementation of the component aligns as expected. More information: uswds#5636

2023-11-09 3.7.0
  • Styles

Removed the component’s top margin. More information: uswds#5550

2023-03-09 3.4.0
  • Styles

Updated padding settings to accept any valid spacing token. More information: uswds#5076

2022-09-26 N/A
  • Guidance

Added guidance for using ARIA roles and ARIA labels. More information: uswds-site#1774

2022-10-19 3.2.0
  • Styles

Updated the alignment of site alert content to visually match banner content. The alert component was also updated. More information: uswds#4922

2022-04-28 3.0.0
  • Assets
  • JavaScript
  • Styles

Breaking Updated to Sass module syntax and new package structure. More information: uswds#4656

2021-03-17 2.11.1
  • Assets

Restored missing white icons. Restored error--white, info--white, and warning--white icons. More information: uswds#4106

2021-03-17 N/A
  • Guidance

Updated and improved guidance for site alert. More information: uswds-site#1180

2021-03-17 2.11.0
  • Assets
  • Styles

Provided better support for color icons that adapt to theme settings. Now the color of the alert icon will update automatically to adapt to the alert background, or to the color of the alert text. More information: uswds#4079

2021-03-17 2.11.0
  • Styles

Added the $theme-alert-padding-y setting. More information: uswds#4079